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Maroochydore Siamese & Orientals

Welcome to the home of Maroochydore Siamese. All our cats and kittens live indoors with access to an outside pen. This ensures their safety at all times. Our babies are reared underfoot to produce lovable, sociable characters who are used to household noise and not nervous kittens.We hope you will enjoy your journey through our pages looking at some of our adult cats and of course, the babies

Red Point Neuter

Wynbriem Poshpaws  Seal-Tortie Point Siamese

Keperra our first tortie-point breeding queen

Champion Adwelam Noosa(Scully) gained this status in her first three shows

Ch. Adwelam Noosa (Scully)

cats pen

Cats pen. The cats have access to the pen from the house via a tunnel. This ensures their safety at all times.

Mr Katoomba (Wynbriem Mr Katoomba)

Mr Katoomba

Below:Sleepy Red.(Red Point Siamese)


Tha above photos are just a few of our well loved band of siamese who "own" us.




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